Frequently asked questions
Typical questions and our answers to common issues often raised about playing lawn bowls and how our Club operates are listed below. If there is any particular issue of concern to you that is not covered in the listing, then please contact us.
Yes. Lawn Bowls is a low impact sport where people with a physical disability can participate with able-bodied competitors. By adopting some simple procedures and using appropriate equipment a disable player can have as much enjoyment from the game as anyone else. People with physical restrictions can avoid carrying heavy equipment and continually bending down by using; a bowls trolley, a bowls lifter and, a bowling arm.
No. We have a very welcoming environment and encourage new members from diverse backgrounds, different perspectives and from all age groups. The the club's bowling greens and building generally present no insurmountable physical barriers.
No. All it takes is a couple of coaching sessions (provided free of charge by the club) to learn the fundamentals of the game. After that, you can join-in on one of our social bowls days and gain more experience; you learn by playing. For an overview of the game, view the Bowls Australia's video "Learn to Play Bowls" link here.
Initially, very little. To start, all you need is flat soled footwear to avoid damaging the bowling greens. A set of bowls will be provided by the club while you learn but eventually you will be required to obtain your own bowls. Second-hand bowls are completely acceptable and may be available through the club or elsewhere. That’s it, your ready to go!
As you proceed to be part of the great game of bowls there are a few items of equipment that may help. Since a set of four bowls can be quite heavy, a bowling bag and trolley combination is recommended. Other specialised equipment designed to help those bowlers with physical limitations may also be required and we suggest you contact us to discuss what can be acquired. For other equipment like measuring tapes and markers, we suggest that your acquire these as you go along; learn what you need by participation.
Full uniform is required for championships and for some special bowling events.
Selecting a set of bowls can be a bit of a minefield. With so many different makers currently on sale, all with unique characteristics, in 8 different sizes, and a multitude of colours to choose from it’s no wonder one would intimidated. The most important element of selecting your bowls is that if they are too large you won’t be able to hold them properly, and if too small the may tend to slip out making controlling them difficult. For beginners, the best advice is to seek guidance from you coach and other experienced players. For more information see
Yes. While lawn bowls is considered a low impact form of exercise and suitable for all ages, there are still some important considerations to address before and during playing bowls.
Some suggestions and tips include:
- if you have any doubts regarding a medical condition, see your doctor for advice.
- take-up our offer for free joining coaching secession's to assess your suitability.
- warm up and stretch before play to improve joint movement.
- be SunSmart – wear sun-protective clothing and an appropriate hat, use sunscreen and lip balm, seek shade where possible and consider wearing sunglasses.
- drink water before, during and after activity to keep hydrated.
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