
... Team App

Team App

Springwood Bowling Club uses Team App to notify members about the bowling program, club news and up-coming events. Members, when registered,  receive these notifications and can also use the App to nominate for social bowling and enter club championships.

Get the App

The application is available for different devices and platforms and members are encouraged to download and install it from:
- Apple App Store for iPhones and iPads, link here
- Google Play Store for Android devices; phones and tablets, link here
Additionally, Team App can be accessed from a desktop computer (Windows and Macintosh platforms supported) by going to the Team App web site, link here

Using Team App

Once you have downloaded and installed Team App or accessed it on the web, you need register, then search for the Springwood Bowling Club and request joining access. As a member of Springwood Bowling Club, the Apps administrator will approve your request and send details of your username (usually your email address) and password. Then, the next time you access the Team App, use the provided login details to begin receiving notifications and other access features.